Akshay Ramachandran

Office: M237
Email: aramach@cs.ubc.ca

Links to: CV (as of June 2023); DBLP;

About Me

I will be an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia in the Computer Science department starting July 2025. I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at ENS Lyon hosted by Professor Omar Fawzi in the QINFO group. Before that I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI). I am fortunate to be hosted by Professor Daniel Dadush in the Networks and Optimization (N&O) group as well as Professor Michael Walter who has moved to Ruhr Universitat Bochum. I'm interested in generalizations of convex analysis and convex optimization algorithms to non-Euclidean spaces with a special focus on applications to numerical linear algebra, quantum information theory, geometric invariant theory, and high dimensional statistics.

I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo's Cheriton School of Computer Science. I was very fortunate to be advised by Lap Chi Lau. Before UWaterloo, I spent four wonderful years at UC Berkeley, graduating in May 2016 with a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. At UC Berkeley, I was incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to work with Luca Trevisan and Nikhil Srivastava.


Most authorships are in alphabetical order, as is common in areas of computer science.

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